Gunther Schmidt, MD
Dr. med. M.S. (economics) Gunther Schmidt, Medical doctor- specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, Medical director of sysTelios-clinic for psychosomatic health development (inpatient clinic) in 69483 Waldmichelbach-Siedelsbrunn, , director of the Milton-Erickson-Institut Heidelberg.
Founder of the hypnosystemic approach for competence-activation and solution development in therapy/ counseling/ coaching/ team-and organisational development.
Teaching and training expert in systemic therapy of the Helm Stierlin Institute for systemic therapy/counseling, teaching trainer and for 20 years vice-president oft he German Milton-Erickson-Society for clinical hypnosis (MEG), Co-founder and Senior Coach oft he German Association for Coaching (DBVC). International teaching and training activities.
Life Achievement Award 2011 of the German training field , carrier of the award of the Milton-Erickson-Society of German (MEG-Preis 2014) , carrier of the Coaching Award 2015 of the German Coaching Convention and of the winwinno-price 2017 of the Association for mediation DACH e.V., of Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Latest books:
- Gunthard Weber, Gunther Schmidt, Fritz B. Simon (2005): Aufstellungsarbeit revisited- … nach Hellinger, Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg
- Schmidt,G., Dollinger,A., Müller-Kalthoff,B. (2009): Gut beraten in der Krise: Konzepte und Werkzeuge für ganz alltägliche Ausnahmesituationen, Manager-Seminare-Verlag
- Bohne,M., Ohler,M., Schmidt,G., Trenkle,B. (Hrsg.)(2016): Reden reicht nicht!?: Bifokal-multisensorische Interventionsstrategien für Therapie und Beratung, Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg
- Klein,R., Schmidt,G. (2017): Alkoholabhängigkeit (Störungen systemisch behandeln), Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg
- Schmidt, G. (2017): Liebesaffären zwischen Problem und Lösung- hypnosystemischee Konzepte für schwierige Kontexte, Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg
- Schmidt, G. (2018): Einführung in die hypnosystemische Therapie und Beratung, Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, Heidelberg