Wei Kai Hung, EdM
I have a master degree of Education, majored in Counseling Psychology and graduated from Teachers College, Columbia University. I am a licensed mental health counselor in New York, and a licensed psychologist in Taiwan. I was a Bowen family style therapist in Henry Street Settlement, New York for 9 years. I am the director of counseling department of Generative Trance Institute in China, I am the past director of the counseling department of the Taiwan Institute of Psychotherapy. I attend Dr. Jeffrey Zeig’s master class around the world (21 times and counting). I currently offer numerous trainings in Asia that integrates Eastern approach with Ericksonian Hypnosis. I serve as coordinator/assistant for Dr. Zeig’s workshops in China, has translated and edited Dr. Zeig’s books “The Induction of Hypnosis”, “The Anatomy of Experiential Impact through Ericksonian Psychotherapy”, “The Habit of a happy life”,”Psychoaerobics” into Chinese. I contribute one chapter in a book title “Ericksonian Therapy Now: The Master Class with Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD”. I attend Dr. Stephen Gilligan’s workshops numerous times, and currently serve as a supervisor in Dr. Gilligan’s Trance Camp in China, serve as a assistant for Dr. Gilligan in San Diego Trance Camp. I translated Dr. Gilligan’s book “Generative Trance”, “Hero’s Journey” into Chinese. I presented in short course program of Ericksonian Congress (2015), title “When Lao Tze meets Milton Erickson”. I presented in short course of Brief therapy conference(2016), title “When Zen and Erickson approach anxiety together”. I presented in short course of Brief therapy conference(2018), title “Treating Anxiety in a Cup of Tea”. I directed a 20-mins documentary film entitled “Jeffrey Zeig’s influence to Taiwan psychotherapy”.